Daily Spectrum has been over a year in the making, is comprised of over 100 nutrients that you need on a daily basis to be more productive, play harder, promote longevity, and allow you to feel good while you’re living life to the fullest. Daily Spectrum™ provides vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, enzymes, vegetable complex, fruit complex, and super greens.
You may ask the question, why do I need Daily Spectrum™? My reply to that is our diets are simply lacking the nutrients needed to function on a daily basis. We need vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and enzymes to maintain good function of the body. The fact is our diets are S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) typically high in fats, cholesterol, sugar, overcooked, and processed foods which soothes our taste buds but provides very little food value to our bodies. Even with a good diet high in raw fruit and vegetables, which I encourage everyone to consume, can still be lacking in proper nutrients.
Daily Spectrum™ is a solution for us all to provide the nutritional needs of our bodies. Taking 3 a day provides the body with over 120 nutrients such as:
Vitamins are substances found in living things and are believed to be active in the body. Absolutely necessary for health and proper growth with just a few exceptions the body is unable to synthesize vitamins; they must be supplied either in the diet or through dietary supplement such as Daily Spectrum™.
Daily Spectrum™ is a solution for us all to provide the nutritional needs of our bodies. Taking 3 a day provides the body with over 120 nutrients such as:
Vitamins are substances found in living things and are believed to be active in the body. Absolutely necessary for health and proper growth with just a few exceptions the body is unable to synthesize vitamins; they must be supplied either in the diet or through dietary supplement such as Daily Spectrum™.
Minerals are necessary for 95% of the body’s daily function just like vitamins; minerals are catalysts for many biological reactions in the body. Some of which include muscle response, the transmission of messages through the nervous system, digestive tract and metabolism. Every organ in the body has to have a mineral present in order for that organ to function properly.
Antioxidants are powerful natural free radical scavengers. According to research, when antioxidants are formulated together they are 15 times more effective than when they are used individually. Experts agree that free radical damage is a factor in degenerative conditions, and that antioxidants may be helpful in reducing that damage.
Essential Fatty Acids are necessary for health and cannot be made by the body, that’s why they’re referred to as essential fatty acid. Lecithin is a wonderful source of fatty acids. Lecithin has been known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems along with reducing triglycerides and decreasing the risk of heart problems.
Enzymes are needed to promote and improve proper digestion. Daily Spectrum™ contains enzymes which help digest proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dairy, fiber, and sugar.
Vegetable Complex and Fruit Complex providing your daily need of fruits and vegetables in your diet like broccoli, carrots, spinach, collard greens, oranges, lemons, and etc.
Greens are provided to help keep the body pH factor in balance with greens like Spirulina, wheat grass, chlorophyll, and barley grass. All of these key ingredients needed for proper daily function are available in this fast- dissolving; fast-acting vitamin & mineral supplement called Daily Spectrum™. So take 3 tablets today and put the Full Spectrum back into to your life.
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