Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Purple Tiger™ Going Green With Green Coffee Bean

Purple Tiger™ Going Green
With Green Coffee Bean
 spacer Vista Health ProductsPurple Tiger™ Going Green
Purple Tiger™ Going Green

Purple Tiger has decided to GO Green with all new formula with an addition of Green Coffee Bean, HCA, Schizandra and Raspberry Ketones.  On the advice of many famous doctors, many people are adding green coffee bean extract and these other nutritionals to their weight loss regimens. Crowning it "The Miracle Fat Burner That Really Works!" and claiming it as "one of the most important discoveries" has made to help people "burn fat faster" has only added to its popularity - driving the demand for the extract to an entirely new level.
This formula takes the benefits of 10 proven products and packages them synergistically together to provide dynamic results in the areas of Energy, Metabolism, Belly Fat and Weight Loss."  Dr. LeBron Long N.D. 
* Potent fat burner – especially around your waist
* Works quickly with no side effects
* Increased focus and energy
* Takes the edge off between meals

What is Green Coffee Extract?
Green coffee bean extract is derived from “green coffee,” the raw, unroasted seeds of Coffea fruits. These seeds, commonly called coffee beans, are dried, roasted and ground to brew coffee. All coffee contains beneficial components, but the green coffee trend spotlights chlorogenic acid (CGA).

Chlorogenic acid also produces anti-obesity effects. Various studies have shown it to slow the absorption of dietary fat and increase metabolism of extra body fat. This includes subcutaneous and visceral belly fat.

In a study presented at the American Chemical Society in San Diego, researchers found that 16 overweight men and women lost an average of 17 pounds in 22 weeks when taking green coffee beans in supplement form.

It is a great standalone products itself but it is also great for switching up with the original Purple Tiger.  Maybe you have hit a plateau and need an extra boost.  With stimulates it is always a good idea to go off or switch products at least 1 day of the week.  Example: I take Purple Tiger going Green 6 days a week and original Purple Tiger 1 day a week.

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